- Ideas come suddenly and without advance warning.
- Ideas make us feel cheerful and proud.
- You don’t have to be a genius to have an idea – anyone can do it.
- Ideas are the most important assets of our time.
- Ideas thrive best in heterogeneous, bustling environments.
- Ideas mature best in peaceful, secluded surroundings.
- Those without a reason for having ideas don’t have any.
- Not every idea is an innovation, but every innovation is an idea.
- Ideas are thoroughly logical.
- Not sharing ideas is the surest way to prevent them from being stolen.
- An idea becomes an idea when it is understood.
- Universes and tenths of a second lie between ‘I am looking for an idea’ and ‘I have an idea’.
- When an idea turns up, it is recognizable as such.
- Ideas develop slowly and require focused effort.
- There is no opposite of ‘idea’.
- Ideas are not accidental.
- Creative techniques and processes promise ideas as their goal, but usually produce measures instead.
- A great idea is understood by everyone.
- There are ideas that are not understood by everyone.
- Ideas are driven by equal amounts of chaos and logic.
- In some cases ideas are so full of life that they outlast everything.
- Ideas differentiate human beings from all other living creatures.
- The paradox of the new: we search for disruptive ideas in order to maintain the familiar.
- Jotting down an idea that you get during the night, does not mean that you will know what it means on the next day.
- Ideas aren’t anyone’s property.
- An idea belongs to those persons who keep it alive.
- Sometimes humanity requires years to be able to understand a good idea.
- Ideas tend to transform into visions when they lack feasibility.
- The term idea must be able to do and participate in almost everything.
- Ideas are the breeding ground for innovations.
- A fascinating magic dwells in ideas.
- We live in the age of ideas.
- There is a myriad of neglected or forgotten ideas that can be rediscovered.
- There is a myriad of neglected or fogotten ideas that can’t be found – but whose time will come.
- Misunderstood ideas are lost potential.
- Ideas are assets.
- Rejecting bad ideas is good.
- Rejecting ideas because you don’t understand them is bad.
- Digitalization has made ideas the currency and necessary transformation of the economy.
- An idea can’t emerge from nothing.
- The term idea has widely diverse meanings. Idea is simultaneously a substantial promise, a yet thoughtless plan, a sudden inspiration, a silly notion, the result of months of work, etc.
- If we were aware of the diverse meanings of the term the idea, we could avoid lots of senseless work in innovation economics.
- Platon had a different understanding of the term idea than the Homo Economicus of today has.
- Platon’s idea of the idea only complies with our contemporary term idea, if the basic meaning of the idea can also be recognized.
- Ideas want to be understood immediately and with ease.
- Ideas are unforeseeable new combinations of existing knowledge modules.
- Nothing is more difficult than comprehending your own idea and making it immediately visible to others.
- Ignorance does not cultivate ideas.
- Evolution and transformation eat up ideas.
- Today, it is a great help to be able to differentiate whether the idea is for a start-up, for potential customers or an idea of success.
- Developing ideas is a thought process that challenges habit.
- Ideas are creations that go beyond those that exist.
- Ideas are deceptive: today’s unbelievably good idea is already forgotten tomorrow.
- Ideas are children of their time.
- Change needs ideas.
- Ideas bring change.
- Creativity and the ability to understand are mandatory skills for coming up with ideas.
- Habits provide the most fertile breeding ground for ideas.
- Ideas that are not understood have no relevance.
- Developing many ideas increases the chances of one oft hem being a groundbreaking idea, but only if you work on it intensively.
- Many ideas are often ideas only until they are thought through.
- Great ideas are timeless.
- The idea of digital transformation is not the sum of all ‘digital ideas’, but the basic issue of the their collective relevance.
- Ideas are habit hacks.
- There are no bad ideas, because bad ideas aren’t ideas.
- An idea is an answer.
- Those who want to develop ideas to change the world, must inevitably be interested in the world.
- Ideas are the result of development processes.
- Ideas are only real ideas for those who are affected by them.
- An idea is first understood when not only the solution, but its meaning becomes clear.
- Ideas can only be evaluation if all involved parties know what should be evaluated.
- An idea can just simply pop up.
- An idea changes when it is realized.
- The essence of an idea is to be an idea [sic!]. This can only be accomplished if the idea is understood.
- An idea is a fractal, since each idea is part of a bigger idea, is part of a bigger idea, is part of a bigger idea, ...
- If an idea is a fractal, the dispruptive idea is as well: so get ready, because it will change more than you think.
- Ideas often have a short half-life period: if the reason gets lost, because the world changes, they are no longer ideas.
- It isn’t just great to have ideas. It is of particular importance to keep ideas alive as ideas [sic!].
- Ideas should not be classified: cross-industrial and interdisciplinary ideas can be of tremendous significance.
- Every idea needs someone who believes in it.
- The mystery behind the origin of great ideas and how they arise has still not been solved.
- BTW: The mystery about the essence of ideas is solved: The d’Artagnan Principle describes the three entities of idea, which are characteristic of every idea, map its logic and, with its help, assure the quality of ideas in their entire life process.
- Every idea is also the idea of idea.
Mittwoch, 13. März 2019
Dienstag, 5. Februar 2019
HABIT HACKING© Unternehmens-Workshops
Im HACK LAB werden Projektideen, die ganz am Anfang, mitten in der Entwicklung oder kurz vor der Vollendung stehen gehackt. Es gilt das Potenzial dieser Ideen voll auszuschöpfen. Damit das gelingt, sind Distanzierung, Neubetrachtung, Inspiration, Überdenken, Verwerfen und Modifikation
notwendige Begleiter erfolgreicher Ideenarbeit.
Jede und jeder leiht sich also die Augen und den Verstand eines gänzlich Anderen, um in der eigenen Ideenarbeit zu sehen, was Fehler birgt oder Potentiale, was unlogisch ist oder Bedeutend, aber aus der Innensicht heraus nicht erkannt wird.
notwendige Begleiter erfolgreicher Ideenarbeit.
Jede und jeder leiht sich also die Augen und den Verstand eines gänzlich Anderen, um in der eigenen Ideenarbeit zu sehen, was Fehler birgt oder Potentiale, was unlogisch ist oder Bedeutend, aber aus der Innensicht heraus nicht erkannt wird.
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